When sleeping women wake, mountains move. -Chinese Proverb
Hormonal Health
Hormones are chemical messengers that ‘speak’ to different systems in the body to control our metabolism, energy, concentration, sexual function, reproduction, mood and so much more. Like most systems in the body, the endocrine system works to maintain tight control over the levels of hormones being released. Unfortunately, a slight imbalance in certain hormones can lead to widespread health concerns.
Some common signs & symptoms of a hormonal imbalance include:
- Low energy
- Infertility
- Irregular periods
- Skin issues, like acne
- Unexplained weight gain, especially around the tummy
- Trouble sleeping
- Low libido
- Changes in appetite
- Digestive issues
- Thinning of hair or hair loss
Symptoms can vary dramatically depending on which hormones are imbalanced and what condition the imbalance is causing. If you suffer from any of the above symptoms addressing your hormones will be key to reclaiming your health. Through sufficient investigation, the root of the imbalance can be identified and targeted treatment options are available that go beyond the use of synthetic hormones.
Menstrual & Reproductive Health
Menstrual health is so much more than the one week each month that we get our “period”. The “period” is only one piece of an amazingly complex cycle orchestrated by our endocrine system. Our cycles create continuous change within the body and they can tell us a lot about what is happening on a deeper level. Naturopathic medicine offers many tools that can be used to help regulate your cycle and target specific reproductive health concerns such as:
- Cramps & painful periods
- Heavy flow
- Irregular periods or lack of a period (aka amenorrhea)
- Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)
- Endometriosis
- Fibroids
- Coming off the birth control pill
Fertility & Preconception Care
Egg quality has become the single most important cause of age-related infertility, recurrent miscarriage and failed IVF cycles. Poor egg quality is a common barrier for women with unexplained infertility, as well as in other common conditions such as PCOS. It doesn’t matter if you are trying to conceive naturally or through assisted reproductive technologies, the quality of your eggs will have a huge impact on your journey to get pregnant and stay pregnant.
Research shows that there are many natural therapies that can benefit egg quality in the months prior to ovulation. A preconception care plan should begin at least 3 months before trying to conceive to have the greatest impact on egg quality. Furthermore, overall optimized health prior to pregnancy increases the chances of having a healthy pregnancy and thus, a healthy baby.
It takes two to tango and male factor infertility must be investigated in all cases of difficult conception. Couple’s consults are available upon request.
Natural Pregnancy Support
Looking to have the healthiest pregnancy and birthing experience possible? By optimizing your health during pregnancy, you can have a huge impact on the health of your future child. Whether you are looking for ways to create a healthy pregnancy or you have specific concerns, a naturopathic doctor can be a great addition to your birth care team.
Acupuncture is also safe and effective during pregnancy. Pre-birth acupuncture has been shown to reduce medical intervention by 43% in first time moms. Starting at 36 weeks, acupuncture can be delivered once weekly until delivery to prepare the body for labour. Acupuncture has also been used as support to turn breech babies.